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Chat operators and Game operator


  • Авторизуйтесь для ответа в теме
Сообщений в теме: 2

#1 odiabile



  • International Team Xterium
  • 412 сообщений
  • Вселенная:WoA

Отправлено 30 Март 2018 - 17:59

We are looking for game and Chat Operators.


Game Operator  - helps in processing requests for technical support from other players. Does not receive additional privileges in the game or access to admin panel functions. 

Chat Operator  - a player who does not have additional privileges in the game, but has the ability to block game chat to players for a limited period of time.


The operator must comply with all game rules, including the rules of communication. In case of violation of the rules, the player will be removed from his position.


Application form:

  • Age
  • Time zone relative to CET (how different is the time relative to Central european time)
  • Desired position of Game or Chat Operator

  • 0

To access to the forum, use the same data that you use to log in to the game.

#2 Svitvin



  • Пользователь
  • 2 сообщений

Отправлено 29 Декабрь 2021 - 17:30

19 y.o.
Game Operator

  • 0

#3 odiabile



  • International Team Xterium
  • 412 сообщений
  • Вселенная:WoA

Отправлено 30 Декабрь 2021 - 11:36

Hello sir,

add me on skype: odiabile

  • 0

To access to the forum, use the same data that you use to log in to the game.