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Do you have any idea about Xterium?

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#1 odiabile



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Posted 20 August 2018 - 14:26

In this topic, I would like to hear suggestions on the game

If you want to offer something radically new, then please create a separate topic for this. 

In this you can write any suggestions that make ready-made functions more convenient, informative or interesting, without completely reprocessing them.


All proposals in this topic will be processed and in cases of support for most players implemented in updates.

The player whose proposal will be implemented or accepted on the list for implementation as a reward will receive a level 1 achievement Project Assistant


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#2 Crono



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Posted 22 August 2018 - 15:26

Vorrei proporre una piccola modifica che ho già fatto presente. Come è stato aggiunta la funzione "vendi flotte" sarebbe utile aggiungerne una simile per le Difese. Perché capita spesso che completando i contratti si ricevano gratuitamente difese, ma queste difese aumentato i punti Armamenti e di conseguenza mi rendono più facilmente attaccabile da nemici più forti.
Se non prevedete la possibilità di vendere le difese vi prego di aggiungere almeno la possibilità di autodistruggerle.
Grazie per l'attenzione
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#3 odiabile



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Posted 25 August 2018 - 19:23

Grazie del consiglio




Presa in considerazione

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#4 gottesfarben



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Posted 29 August 2018 - 10:01

Am spiel mus noch so einiges Pasieren es Kann nicht sein Das ein spieler meinen Planeten mehr als drei mal an greift und die angriffe als mond kämpfe ausgegeben werden vom suport wenn man sich beschwert ob wohl ich im recht stehe

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#5 odiabile



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Posted 31 August 2018 - 10:41

Am spiel mus noch so einiges Pasieren es Kann nicht sein Das ein spieler meinen Planeten mehr als drei mal an greift und die angriffe als mond kämpfe ausgegeben werden vom suport wenn man sich beschwert ob wohl ich im recht stehe

Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe es nicht verstanden. Hilf mir, deinen Rat zu verstehen

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#6 awol



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Posted 22 September 2018 - 09:55

1. there are missing a icon buddy list.

2. in highscore list you can only se from rank 100

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#7 odiabile



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Posted 22 September 2018 - 11:49

hello awol!

1) Buddylist http://prntscr.com/kxc78q
2) Rankscore http://prntscr.com/kxc7fx

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#8 l3on



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Posted 09 October 2018 - 18:38

1) veloccizzare nuovi account(portare + player possibili in top 100)

2)aggiungere bonus se acquisti anti materia

3)bonus suogni antimateria che acquisti ricevi un pacchetto risorse esempio su 10.ooo antimateria ricevi 1kkk per ogni tipo.la teoria e´ che un top 10 non ci fa nulla con le risorse ma un top 200 mi sale velocemente in top 150.

4)costruire un qualcosa che resta permanente sul pianeta o luna che prende il posto di una sonda spia magari comprando solo antimateria

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#9 odiabile



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Posted 11 October 2018 - 00:11

1) veloccizzare nuovi account(portare + player possibili in top 100)

2)aggiungere bonus se acquisti anti materia

3)bonus suogni antimateria che acquisti ricevi un pacchetto risorse esempio su 10.ooo antimateria ricevi 1kkk per ogni tipo.la teoria e´ che un top 10 non ci fa nulla con le risorse ma un top 200 mi sale velocemente in top 150.

4)costruire un qualcosa che resta permanente sul pianeta o luna che prende il posto di una sonda spia magari comprando solo antimateria

Anche io vorrei. Purtroppo non decido solo io e su questo sono in minoranza! Vedro' quel che si puo' fare 

2) Si prossimamente

3) Interessante!

4) Ma se resta sul pianeta, la paghi solo una volta?

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#10 lupids



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Posted 12 October 2018 - 15:02

Option for officers to disable or change the spam filter in alliance chat

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#11 lupids



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Posted 12 October 2018 - 15:20

A different war system. A price to start a war in (1M-1B whatever) resources from the alliance bank. Shorter duration to the war than the current.


Winner: Winner is the alliance who gets more war points before the war ends. Maybe adding another high score list for won wars or medals to alliance page. Can even give a medal "most wars won in a month".


Spoils: The players who have fought get all the debris back that they destroyed from the enemy if some of the ships survive from the battle at the end of the war. This is where the price of declaring war pays off. Opening a possible "box" is always fun.


The suggestion is open for modification, thanks.

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#12 odiabile



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Posted 12 October 2018 - 19:10

A different war system. A price to start a war in (1M-1B whatever) resources from the alliance bank. Shorter duration to the war than the current.


Winner: Winner is the alliance who gets more war points before the war ends. Maybe adding another high score list for won wars or medals to alliance page. Can even give a medal "most wars won in a month".


Spoils: The players who have fought get all the debris back that they destroyed from the enemy if some of the ships survive from the battle at the end of the war. This is where the price of declaring war pays off. Opening a possible "box" is always fun.


The suggestion is open for modification, thanks.



Option for officers to disable or change the spam filter in alliance chat


Good ideas. Let me discuss about them with my team



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#13 lupids



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Posted 16 October 2018 - 14:50

Adding a new PVE aspect.


Each expedition against enemies makes them more angry and wanting to revenge. Every attack (expedition) raises the chance of getting attacked and the power of it.


Only planets where the expeditions are sent from are attacked (in order to avoid turret bunkers to get destroyed while players are sleeping). The time of the attack is random. The attacking base fleet that attacks is determined by the players fleet points. Farming the power adds more fleet and research for the attackers. It can also get too powerful if not stopped or slowed down. The power will go down when time passes or attacks occur.


It'll make expedition farming more exciting. When players make big powers they will need ACS defend from alliance. It'll create a big field of debris, which gives some profit from the losses of farming and defending.



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#14 odiabile



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Posted 16 October 2018 - 16:57

Adding a new PVE aspect.


Each expedition against enemies makes them more angry and wanting to revenge. Every attack (expedition) raises the chance of getting attacked and the power of it.


Only planets where the expeditions are sent from are attacked (in order to avoid turret bunkers to get destroyed while players are sleeping). The time of the attack is random. The attacking base fleet that attacks is determined by the players fleet points. Farming the power adds more fleet and research for the attackers. It can also get too powerful if not stopped or slowed down. The power will go down when time passes or attacks occur.


It'll make expedition farming more exciting. When players make big powers they will need ACS defend from alliance. It'll create a big field of debris, which gives some profit from the losses of farming and defending.




That's a really good idea. I will discuss about it with other admins and developers!


keep going like this!

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#15 awol



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Posted 21 October 2018 - 08:58

when you build defense laser turret, it will be better if is is only metal it cost.

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#16 awol



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Posted 21 October 2018 - 13:53

when you build defense laser turret, it will be better if is is only metal it cost.

1 other thing is metal storage an crystal storage an Denterium storage, you must use a lot of slot pr level, so all the ress you got, then the mine do not work, good if it can upgrade ,for more ress on the mine, 

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#17 odiabile



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Posted 21 October 2018 - 19:49

when you build defense laser turret, it will be better if is is only metal it cost.

Why do you think it's better?


1 other thing is metal storage an crystal storage an Denterium storage, you must use a lot of slot pr level, so all the ress you got, then the mine do not work, good if it can upgrade ,for more ress on the mine, 

I didn't follow you, help me to understand

Edited by odiabile, 21 October 2018 - 19:50.

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#18 Simorgh



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Posted 27 October 2018 - 17:09



It would be interesting to make espionage probes able to attack and also to be able to join ACS.


Why? Because attackers could make debris before the attack and recycle right after the attack (of course, planet must have defences/fleet to kill the probes, otherwise they wont be killed).


If someone attacks and loose a lot of ships and someone else recycle the debris, it would be very frystrating for the attacker, that risks his fleet and also risks his way back after battle.





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#19 odiabile



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Posted 28 October 2018 - 14:04



It would be interesting to make espionage probes able to attack and also to be able to join ACS.


Why? Because attackers could make debris before the attack and recycle right after the attack (of course, planet must have defences/fleet to kill the probes, otherwise they wont be killed).


If someone attacks and loose a lot of ships and someone else recycle the debris, it would be very frystrating for the attacker, that risks his fleet and also risks his way back after battle.





this makes fleet saves very simple. thereby reducing the number of attacks

We will consider something similar maybe, we don't know

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#20 Tyrantant



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Posted 18 January 2020 - 12:27

hi,  :kolobok_biggrin:


new idea ~ to automatize studying the anomalies :

as to run it right now - every day with 2 free studying at each object, if i have 10 planets & 10 moons - it's 20 objects *2 = 40 times per day manually click every - it started get hard as there appeared 75% to study anomaly, guess soon it will become 50% & later at the end probably 25% .. so, it gets hard ..  :kolobok_mad:

:kolobok_confused: if to create certain setting as "set anomaly for study" at each object & one button "study the anomalies" - to study all set anomalies to study .. hmmm.. might be weird  :kolobok_cool:

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