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Cargo overfilling MaxRess Butten


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#1 OPTtheTI



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Отправлено 28 Март 2024 - 15:26

Max Ress Butten is this

But it use wrong function this function is for the max Buttens without calculation

can see here


so admins change it easy fix Remove the S at the end of the function in your php that must fix the anoing bug and you get it since start from server.

here the right one



iam not sure at what class.page it is but this a a thing form 3 Minutes to fix but please do first test it on a test server.

Have fun.

Maybe add some Priors from deut to kris to met but if you do test it pls

function maxResource() {
    var storCap = data.fleetroom - data.consumption;
    var availableResources = {
        'metal': Math.max(0, getRessource('metal') - HoldResources['metal']),
        'crystal': Math.max(0, getRessource('crystal') - HoldResources['crystal']),
        'deuterium': Math.max(0, getRessource('deuterium') - HoldResources['deuterium'] - data.consumption)

    var resourceOrder = ['deuterium', 'crystal', 'metal']; // Priorisierung der Ressourcen
    var totalTransported = 0;

    resourceOrder.forEach(function(id) {
        var thisResourceChosen = parseInt(document.getElementsByName(id)[0].value);
        if (isNaN(thisResourceChosen)) thisResourceChosen = 0;

        var freeCapacity = Math.max(storCap - totalTransported, 0);
        var amountToAdd = Math.min(freeCapacity, availableResources[id]);
        document.getElementsByName(id)[0].value = amountToAdd;
        totalTransported += amountToAdd;


i need to add that´s not the 100% Calculation you have some error in your code in flotten.js 

and this funktion maybe only work for singel buttens but for MAxRess butten all ress you have no calculation

Сообщение отредактировал OPTtheTI: 28 Март 2024 - 15:22

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